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Birchleigh Baptist Church

What is Our Aim? PDF Print E-mail

Our aim is to glorify God and enjoy Him as we seek to obey His commands to us as individuals and as a church. We do this by understanding and applying Scripture through the help of the Holy Spirit.

We aim to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, authenticating our proclamation with holy living, and to advance His kingdom locally and across the world. Our worship is God-centred and Christ-exalting, with the word of God in Scripture central – it is our desire that others can make Christ their greatest joy in daily lives which are a living sacrifice of worship.

Evangelism is a priority and we long that Christ should be made known in our local area, in the places where our members work, among our families and neighbours, with the result that new churches can be planted. We seek to advance the kingdom of Christ throughout the world by engaging every member in Mission and in praying for, supporting and sending missionaries and having fellowship with our Christian brothers and sisters globally.

As a local church we will always work to be a loving community where all those who are united to Christ know and live out their unity with each other. It is our joy to care for each other, supporting each other when in need and encouraging each other in service and personal ministries. The spiritual health of individuals and the church is our great concern and we submit corporately under the word of God so that the Holy Spirit can do His healing, strengthening, disciplining and moulding work. We want to maximize our fellowship with like-minded believers in other churches, sharing with them in gospel initiatives.